(814) 437-2033

How can I help you?

  • Business. I can help you start, buy, or sell a business; form a corporation, partnership, or limited liability company; comply with business laws; and manage relationships with co-owners and employees.
  • Contracts. I can help you negotiate a clear and unambiguous contract that avoids disputes down the road. Or I can help you know your rights and obligations under an existing contract.
  • Legal disputes. I can help you resolve a business or contract dispute. If negotiation won't do it, I can represent you in court.
  • Other matters. I mainly help clients with business, contracts, and business litigation. But I also do municipal and public authority work, real estate transactions, simple wills, and estate administration.

What kind of legal work do you need?

You may think you have one kind of problem but actually have another. Feel free to call me and see if I can help. If I can't, I'll try to recommend someone who can.